Sport Psychology Essentials
Sport Psychology Essentials will teach you to do the following:
- Practice your mental skills during physical training so you are prepared to bring an elite athlete mindset to the arena.
- Assess your athletes or teams mental skills.
- Use advanced sport psychology techniques that fit your unique personality and lifestyle to improve motivation, confidence, imagery, self-regulation, and concentration.
- Enhance the performance potential of your team through leadership, team culture, and shared mental models.
- Implement plans for optimal team and individual performance using program development, motor skills training, talent development, and strategies to persevere through slumps and adversity.
Success Story sidebars reveal how real-life teams, athletes, and coaches have succeeded in using proven mental training techniques. Learn foundational sport psychology concepts by exploring the scientific background behind mental strategies in athletic performance. Sport Psychology Essentials will help you unlock your sport performance potential and stay ahead of the competition. See more