Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery: Volume 36 | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery: Volume 36


Detecting residual cognitive function in disorders of consciousness (M. R. COLEMAN,  J. D. PICKARD).- Rationale for hypothalamus-deep brain stimulation in food intake disorders and obesity (N. TORRES, S. CHABARDEES, A. L. BENABID).- Gustatory and reward brain circuits in the control of food intake (A. J. OLIVEIRA-MAIA, C. D. ROBERTS, S. A. SIMON, M. A. L. NICOLELIS).- SEEG-guided RF-thermocoagulation of epileptic foci: A therapeutic alternative for drug-resistant non-operable partial epilepsies (M. GUÉNOT, J. ISNARD, H. CATENOIX, F. MAUGUIERE,  M. SINDOU).- Child abuse some aspects for neurosurgeons (B. MADEA, M. NOEKER, I. FRANKE.- Prophylactic antibiotics and anticonvulsants in neurosurgery (B. RATILAL, C. SAMPAIO).- The dural sheath of the optic nerve: descriptive anatomy and surgical applications (P. FRANCOIS,  E. LESCANNE, S. VELUT) -Surgical indications and techniques for failed coiled aneurysms (C. RAFTOPOULOS; with the collaboration of G. VAZ).

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Product Details
  • Publication Date: 08 Oct 2010
  • Publisher: Springer Verlag GmbH
  • Publication City/Country: Austria
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9783709101780


Detecting residual cognitive function in disorders of consciousness (M. Coleman and J.D. Pickard) Rationale for hypothalamus-deep brain stimulation in food intake disorders and obesity (N. Torres S. Chabardes and A.L. Benebid) Gustatory and reward brain circuits in the control of food intake (J. Maarrawi P. Mertens R. Peyron L. Garcia-Larrea and M. Sindou) SEEG-guided RF-thermocoagulation of epileptic foci: A therapeutic alternative for drug resistant non operable partial epilepsies (M. Guenot J. Isnard H. Catenoix F. Mauguiere M. Sindou) Neurosurgical aspects of child abuse and proposal of a model for multidisciplinary treatment (Madea and I. Franke) Prophylactic antibiotics and anticonvulsants (B. Ratilal and C. Sampaio) The dural sheath of the optic nerve: descriptive anatomy and surgical applications (P. Francois E. Lescanne and S. Velut) Surgical indications and techniques for failed coiled aneurysms (C. Raftopoulos and G. Vaz)

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