Euro-Par 2010 - Parallel Processing: 16th International Euro-Par Conference, Ischia, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2010, Proceedings, Part II | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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Euro-Par 2010 - Parallel Processing: 16th International Euro-Par Conference, Ischia, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2010, Proceedings, Part II


Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the p- motion and advancementof allaspects of parallelcomputing. The major themes can be divided into four broad categories: theory, high-performance, cluster and grid,distributedandmobilecomputing.Thesecategoriescomprise14topicsthat focus on particular issues. The objective of Euro-Paris to provide a forum within which to promote the development of parallel computing both as an industrial technique and an a- demic discipline, extending the frontier of both the state of the art and the state of practice. The main audience for and participants in Euro-Par are researchers inacademicdepartments,governmentlaboratories,andindustrialorganizations. Euro-Par2010 was the 16th conference in the Euro-Parseries, and was or- nizedbythe Institute forHigh-PerformanceComputingandNetworking(ICAR) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Ischia, Italy. Previous Euro- ParconferencestookplaceinStockholm,Lyon,Passau,Southampton,Toulouse, Munich, Manchester, Padderborn, Klagenfurt, Pisa, Lisbon, Dresden, Rennes, Las Palmas, and Delft. Next year the conference will take place in Bordeaux, France. More information on the Euro-Par conference series and organization is available on the wesite As mentioned before, the conference was organized in 14 topics. The paper review process for each topic was managed and supervised by a committee of at least four persons: a Global Chair, a Local Chair, and two members. Some speci?c topics with a high number of submissions were managed by a larger committeewithmoremembers.The?naldecisionsontheacceptanceorrejection ofthesubmitted papersweremadein ameeting ofthe ConferenceCo-chairsand Local Chairs of the topics. See more
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Product Details
  • Publication Date: 18 Aug 2010
  • Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG
  • Publication City/Country: Germany
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9783642152900

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