The First Year of Teaching: Classroom Research to Increase Student Learning
For first-year teachers entering the nations urban schools, the task of establishing a strong and successful practice is often extremely challenging. In this compelling look at first-year teachers practice in urban schools, editors Jabari Mahiri and Sarah Warshauer Freedman demonstrate how a program of systematic classroom research by teachers themselves enables them to effectively target instruction and improve their own practice. This book organizes teachers research into three broad areas, corresponding to issues new teachers identified as the most challenging:
- Crafting Curriculumhow to engage students in learning curricular content, develop their abilities to meet standards, and prepare them for college or careers.
- Complicating Culturehow to build on the different languages and cultures found in contemporary schools.
- Conceptualizing Controlhow to manage a classroom of 30 or more teenagers and create a climate where learning can take place.
The First Year of Teaching offers an array of classroom scenarios that will spark in-depth discussions in teacher preparation classes and professional development workshops, particularly in the context of problem-based, problem-posing pedagogies.
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