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A01=Mark Ode
A01=Phil Simmons
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Electrical Grounding and Bonding


By (author): Mark Ode Phil Simmons

Completely updated to reflect the 2023 National Electrical Code®, Simmons/Ode's ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING, 7th edition, equips you with a user-friendly, practical guide to the latest requirements in both Article 250 and Chapter 5 of the NEC® along with current industry best practices. Clear explanations, real-world examples and colorful illustrations help you master and apply key electrical concepts, such as calculating conductor sizes, reading and interpreting NEC tables, using grounded conductor connections in AC systems, managing installations and sizing, and applying green practices for energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Whether you are pursuing a degree program, professional training or an apprenticeship, this must-have resource prepares you for career success. See more
Current price €73.91
Original price €83.99
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A01=Mark OdeA01=Phil SimmonsAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Mark OdeAuthor_Phil Simmonsautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=TDCategory=THRCOP=United StatesDelivery_Pre-orderLanguage_EnglishPA=Temporarily unavailablePrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch

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Product Details
  • Weight: 930g
  • Publication Date: 08 May 2023
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning Inc
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780357766835

About Mark OdePhil Simmons

Phil Simmons is the founder of Simmons Electrical Services where he consults on the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) and other codes. He also writes edits illustrates and produces technical publications and he previously provided plan reviews of electrical construction documents and inspections of complex electrical installations. In addition to developing training programs related to electrical codes and safety Mr. Simmons has presented on these subjects at numerous seminars and conferences for universities the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) the U.S. Department of Defense and private clients. He has authored and illustrated numerous textbooks on electrical topics and consulted on several lawsuits involving electrical injury and property damage. Mr. Simmons serves NFPA on Code Making Panel 5 of the NEC Committee (grounding and bonding) and he previously served on several other Code Making Panels the NFPA Standards Council the NEC Technical Correlating Committee the IAEI and Underwriters Laboratories. He is a retired member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Mark C. Ode is the founder of Southwest Electrical Training and Consulting. Previously he was lead engineering instructor at Underwriters Laboratories Inc. in the Research Triangle Park North Carolina and a member of ULs Regulatory Services Department. He spent nine years as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) staff liaison for the Electrical Equipment in Chemical Atmospheres Committee and was the staff liaison for Code-Making-Panel (CMP) 14 the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) panel responsible for hazardous locations. Mark has written monthly NEC articles for Electrical Contractor Magazine since January 2000 and he was co-author of the Illustrated Code Changes 2008 Edition 2008 Journeyman Electricians Study Guide and 2008 Master Electricians Study Guide as well as Cengage-Delmars Electrical Raceways and Other Wiring Methods Sixth Edition. He also served as a senior electrical specialist for the NFPA.

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