Phaenias of Eresus | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
111th Olympiad
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Antigonus Carystius
Aristotle’s HA
Arnaud Zucker
B01=David Mirhady
B01=Oliver Hellmann
Barbara Anceschi
Biographical Fragments
Botanical Fragments
Common Mallow
COP=United Kingdom
Craig Cooper
Cynara Cardunculus
Diogenes Laertius
Early Peripatos
Eckart SchTrumpf
Etymologicum Gudianum
Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum
Fragmente Der Griechischen Historiker
Grape Vines
Heraclides Ponticus
Historia Plantarum
Johannes Engels
Learned Banqueters
Leonid Zhmud
Malva Sylvestris
Markus Asper
Mechthild Siede
Michael G. Sollenberger
PA=Temporarily unavailable
Peripatetic Eudemus
Phainias Von Eresos
Price_€20 to €50
Sea Water
Sicilian Tyrant
Stefan Schorn
Stephen White
Theophrastean Text
Tiziano Dorandi
Weak Textual Basis
Wehrli’s Collection
William W. Fortenbaugh
Young Men

Phaenias of Eresus


Phaenias of Eresus (c. 375–300 BC) was a member of Aristotle's school, the "Peripatos" or "Lyceum," and a friend and compatriot of Aristotle's successor, Theophrastus. Phaenias's scholarly interests stretched from strictly philosophical treatises to chronology and the history of philosophy and poetry; to the lives, fortunes, and manners of death of tyrants; to biographical and historical themes and details of famous Athenians; to botanical and zoological issues; and even entertaining, "novelistic" stories and strange reports (Mirabilia).

This volume includes new scholarship, with translation of source texts for the writings, thought, and influence of Phaenias (whose name also appears as "Phanias"and "Phainias"), as well as essays that take up various areas of his life and work in greater detail.

The chapters of Phaenias of Eresus cover a remarkable range of intellectual areas, which is in keeping with the varied interests of the early Peripatetics in general. Phaenias is thus an ideal model for exploring issues of specialization and differentiation in research in the early Peripatos.

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111th OlympiadAge Group_UncategorizedAntigonus CarystiusAristotle’s HAArnaud Zuckerautomatic-updateB01=David MirhadyB01=Oliver HellmannBarbara AnceschiBiographical FragmentsBotanical FragmentsCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HPCACategory=QDHACommon MallowCOP=United KingdomCraig CooperCynara CardunculusDelivery_Pre-orderDiogenes LaertiusEarly PeripatosEckart SchTrumpfeq_isMigrated=2Etymologicum GudianumFragmenta Historicorum GraecorumFragmente Der Griechischen HistorikerGrape VinesHeraclides PonticusHistoria PlantarumJohannes EngelsLanguage_EnglishLearned BanquetersLeonid ZhmudMalva SylvestrisMarkus AsperMechthild SiedeMichael G. SollenbergerPA=Temporarily unavailablePeripatetic EudemusPhainias Von EresosPrice_€20 to €50PS=ActiveSea WaterSicilian TyrantsoftlaunchStefan SchornStephen WhiteTheophrastean TextTiziano DorandiWeak Textual BasisWehrli’s CollectionWilliam W. FortenbaughYoung Men

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Product Details
  • Weight: 900g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 229mm
  • Publication Date: 18 Dec 2020
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780367737641


Oliver Hellmann, David Mirhady

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