Big Data in Materials Research and Development: Summary of a Workshop
By (author): Defense Materials Manufacturing and Infrastructure Standing Committee Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences National Materials and Manufacturing Board National Research Council
Big Data in Materials Research and Development is the summary of a workshop convened by the National Research Council Standing Committee on Defense Materials Manufacturing and Infrastructure in February 2014 to discuss the impact of big data on materials and manufacturing. The materials science community would benefit from appropriate access to data and metadata for materials development, processing, application development, and application life cycles. Currently, that access does not appear to be sufficiently widespread, and many workshop participants captured the constraints and identified potential improvements to enable broader access to materials and manufacturing data and metadata. This report discusses issues in defense materials, manufacturing and infrastructure, including data ownership and access; collaboration and exploitation of big data's capabilities; and maintenance of data.
Table of Contents- Front Matter
- Overview
- Workshop Themes
- Session 1: Introduction to Big Data
- Session 2: Big Data Issues in Materials Research and Development
- Session 3: Big Data Issues in Manufacturing
- Session 4: The Way Ahead
- References
- Appendixes
- Appendix A: Workshop Statement of Task
- Appendix B: Workshop Participants
- Appendix C: Workshop Agenda
- Appendix D: Acronyms