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A01=Arnold Jansen op de Haar
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Het Refrein van Andermans Leven


By (author): Arnold Jansen op de Haar

Is niet iedereen het 'refrein van andermans leven'? Deze bundel gaat over het gevoel dat je leven bepaald wordt door de anderen.Arnold Jansen op de Haar (1962) verhuisde in 2014 van Arnhem naar Londen. Zijn emigratie zette alles op scherp. De gedichten in deze bundel vormen samen een verhaal. Wat maakt een mens tot wie hij is?Wat doe je als iedereen verdwenen is en je de laatste bent? Arnold Jansen op de Haar gaat, pendelend tussen twee landen, op zoek naar zijn geschiedenis.mijn eigen vader noemde mijbij geboortestamhouder voor latermaar later is laatsteik ben het refrein vanandermans levenik zeg vanzelfsprekendheid voortGedichten uit deze bundel verschenen in De Gids, Het liegend konijn en Extaze. See more
Current price €14.88
Original price €17.50
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A01=Arnold Jansen op de HaarAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Arnold Jansen op de Haarautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=DCFCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€10 to €20PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 138 x 216mm
  • Publication Date: 08 Sep 2016
  • Publisher: Holland Park Press
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781907320620

About Arnold Jansen op de Haar

Arnold was born in 1962 in Nijmegen the Netherlands.His new poetry collection Het refrein van andermans leven will be published in Dutch in September 2016 and the English translation will appear in 2017. Five of the poems from this collection were published in Dutch-language magazine Het Liegend Konijn issue 2/2013.Three of the poems from Het refrein van andermans leven were published in Dutch magazine De Gids in June 2015. His long poem 'London calling' was published in Dutch magazine Extaze in December 2015.Arnold's poems have been widely published in literary magazines including De Gids Het Liegend Konijn Extaze Maarstaf Zoetermeer and Passionate.His poems have been featured in anthologies such as De 100 beste gedichten van 2002 published by De Arbeiderspers and edited by Gilles Dorleijn and in landmark Dutch anthology De Nederlandse poezie van de 19de en 20ste eeuw in 1000 en enige gedichten edited by Gerrit Komrij published by Bert Bakker.Martin Ross gave Jansen op de Haar his first break by publishing one of his poems in literary magazine Maatstaf.His debut novel De koning van Tuzla a fictional account of his experiences during the Bosnian conflict was published in 1999 by De Arbeiderspers.This was followed by the publication of the poetry collection Soldatenlaarzen a companion to his debut novel by J.M. Meulenhof in 2002.In 2004 Arnold received a commission from the Arnhem Public Library to write a non-fiction book: Van Jan Cremer tot Herman Koch; een literaire wandeling door Arnhem. (From Jan Cremer to Herman Koch; A literary walk through Arnhem).In 2006 Jansen op de Haar wrote De Twaalfde Man together with Gouden Strop (Dutch crime award) winner Jac. Toes. It was a daily serial during the FIFA World Cup in 2006 and later that year it was published as a crime novel by publishing house De Geus.Holland Park Press was founded in 2009 and from the start Arnold was closely involved as one of the founding authors and its editor. In 2014 he moved from Arnhem to London.In the last few years Soldatenlaarzen was republished for Dutch readers with a new title: Joegoslavisch requiem and for the first time in an English translation by Paul Vincent entitled Yugoslav Requiem.In addition Holland Park Press republished De koning van Tuzla and in 2010 this novel was published in English: King of Tuzla.Arnold's new novel Engel was published for Dutch readers in December 2009. Two year later it was translated into English with the title Angel.From 1999 to 2009 Arnold Jansen op de Haar wrote weekly columns for Dutch newspaper De Gelderlander.Since October 2009 he writes a writes a wide-ranging topical column for the online Holland Park Press magazine.For nine years Arnold was a creative writing tutor at Kunstbedrijf Arnhem and he now manages the Holland Park Press master classes in creative writing. Several of his students have now been published by mainstream publishing houses.Before Arnold became a full time writer he had another successful career. He studied at the Dutch Royal Military Academy and until 1995 he served in the Dutch army. He became a red beret and was a company commander during the conflict in Bosnia.

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