International Relations of the Middle East | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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B01=Gerd Nonneman
COP=United Kingdom
IMPN=SAGE Publications Ltd
NWS=v. 5
Price_€500 and above
PUB=SAGE Publications Ltd
SN=Sage Library of International Relations
Subject=Politics & Government

International Relations of the Middle East


The international relations of the Middle East has long been a subject that draws the attention of policy-makers, the general public and scholars alike for the implications it has for international security, the world economy and the relationship between Islam and the West. This five-volume collection provides researchers with a comprehensive overview of a large number of significant publications illuminating particular aspects of the field, including such topics as: the creation of the Middle East state system; the evolution of the Palestine question; regional relations in the Middle East; the role of, and relations with, outside powers in the Middle East; the foreign policies of Middle Eastern states; key conflicts in the Middle East, other than the Palestine conflict; the international political economy of the Middle East; Islam and international relations; and the ''Wider Middle East'' - looking at linkages with Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Muslim states of Central Asia. See more
Current price €701.25
Original price €825.00
Sold out
Product Details
  • Publication Date: 30 Jan 2014
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: London, United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781847878991
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