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B01=Andrejs Cebers
B01=Bernard Doudin
B01=Michael Coey
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Price_€50 to €100

Magnetic Microhydrodynamics: An Emerging Research Field


This open access book presents the most recent advances in the novel, interdisciplinary field of magnetic microhydrodynamics. This emerging area of advanced research combines magnetism with the knowledge of bioinspired local flow control to create novel concepts and technological solutions that could revolutionize the field of microfluidics. Edited and authored by world-recognized leaders in this field, this book covers how the action of magnetic forces on soft matter can result in a richness of possible static and dynamic behavior. The contributions featured in this book introduce timely examples of novel concepts (new fluids and control), processes at interfaces (local probes, electrochemistry), and applications of magnetic soft matter in cell biology, cargo transport, and energy. This book is of great interest to scientists from various backgrounds looking to explore, learn of recent developments, and take part in laying the foundations of an entirely new and dynamic field of research.

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Age Group_Uncategorizedautomatic-updateB01=Andrejs CebersB01=Bernard DoudinB01=Michael CoeyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PHKCategory=PHVNCategory=PNRHCategory=TGBCategory=TJFCategory=TTCOP=SwitzerlandDelivery_Pre-orderLanguage_EnglishPA=Not yet availablePrice_€50 to €100PS=Forthcomingsoftlaunch

Will deliver when available. Publication date 09 Oct 2024

Product Details
  • Dimensions: 155 x 235mm
  • Publication Date: 09 Oct 2024
  • Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
  • Publication City/Country: Switzerland
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9783031583759


Bernard Doudin completed his Ph.D. at University of Lausanne in 1991 in Switzerland with postdocs in Cambridge (UK) and EPFL (CH). He took an Assistant Professor position in the USA (University of Nebraska) in 1997 tenured in 2002 and joined the University of Strasbourg as Professor in September 2005. He has received numerous awards including Ph.D. prize of the University of Lausanne (top 2%); NSF Career grant (1998) Chaired Professor of the French Ministry (2005); Fellow of the University of Strasbourg International Studies (2014); Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (Senior 2021). His area of expertise is the fabrication of nanoscale devices taking advantage of the spin degree of freedom. He pioneered original systems and concepts in the field of spintronics evolving towards multi-stimuli devices at the frontier between physics materials science and chemistry. He is interested in interdisciplinary applications of these concepts in molecularor organic electronics nanofluidics and (electro)chemistry. Michael Coey completed his Ph.D. on Magnetic Oxides at University of Manitoba Canada in1971. He has a Diplôme dHabilitation from the INP- Grenoble France (1986) and a Sc.D. on Magnetic and Electric Properties of Iron Minerals from the University of Dublin (Trinity  College Dublin) Ireland (1987) where  he was Erasmus Smiths Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (founded 1724) from 2007 to 2012 and is currently Professor Emeritus  Academic recognition  includes Membership of Royal Irish Academy Fellowship of the Royal Society Overseas membership of the US Academy of Sciences and membership of the European Academy of Sciences. Awards include the Gold Medal of the Royal Irish Academy 2005 Albert Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2010 Humboldt Prize 2013 Gutenberg Prize and professorship of the University of Strasbourg 2015 andMax Born prize and medal 2019. His research interests in magnetism span magnetic electronic and structural properties of solids spin electronics amorphous materials permanent magnetism physical properties of minerals magnetoelectrochemistry and effects if magnetic fields on liquids.  Andrejs Cebers is Professor of University of Latvia and Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and the Laboratory of Magnetic Soft Materials (MMML). He graduated from the Latvian State University. By the decision of the Mechanics Council 2 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University on December 10 1976 he was awarded the academic degree of Cand. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics. By the decision of the Supreme Qualifying Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 15 1988 he was awarded the academic degree of Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics. He has received a number of awards including Corresponding Member Academia of Sciences of Latvia (1992) Full Member of Academia of Sciences of Latvia (1993) Full Member of Europaea Academia (2005) and Chevalier dordre des Palmes Academiques du gouvernement de France (2021). His area of expertise is the magnetic soft matter.

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