Multi-Functional Nanomaterials and their Emerging Applications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters BCI (WoS).
The multi-functional properties of nanomaterials offer a wide range of opportunities for addressing several research and development challenges in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Multi-functional nanomaterials find wide application in a variety of sectors including agriculture, medicine, telecommunications, disaster management and environmental conservation.The focus of this special topic volume is on multifunctional nanomaterial development and their emerging applications towards commercialization. This special topic illustrates a new pathway to achieve novel practical applications using nanomaterials. This special topic can be utilized as a text for researchers as well as graduate students who are interested in nanomaterials based applications. This special topic volume is multidisciplinary by nature. The readers can acquire the necessary knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology related to these multifunctional applications which are associated with the emerging nanomaterials.