Special Ops Heroes tells the extraordinary stories behind Lord Ashcroft's collection of SAS and other Special Forces medals - the largest of its kind in the world. The action-packed stories span some sixty years from the exploits of the newly-formed SAS early in the Second World War to the end of the twentieth century. It features several remarkable groups of medals for some of the most audacious escapades of the Second World War as well as more recent medals awarded for bravery in Northern Ireland, Darfur and at the Iranian Embassy Seige in London.
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Product Details
Weight: 240g
Dimensions: 128 x 196mm
Publication Date: 04 Jun 2015
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781472223951
About Michael Ashcroft
Lord Ashcroft KCMG is an international businessman author and philanthropist. He has a life-long interest in bravery and gallantry medals. His collection of Victoria Crosses - the largest in the world - and George Crosses can be seen in the Lord Ashcroft Gallery alongside other similar decorations owned by or in the care of the Imperial War Museum in London. He is also a Trustee of the Imperial War Museum Foundation Ltd Vice Patron of the Intelligence Corps Museum and a principal benefactor to the Bomber Command Memorial donating £1 million to the cause.The author's royalties from each of his books on gallantry have been donated to military charities.
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