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A01=Bonnie Graves
A01=Connie Juel
A01=Michael Graves
A01=Peter Dewitz
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Author_Bonnie Graves
Author_Connie Juel
Author_Michael Graves
Author_Peter Dewitz
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Price_€50 to €100

Teaching Reading in the 21st Century: Motivating All Learners

A student-centered focus on reading instruction that fosters students motivation and passion for reading
Teaching Reading in the 21st Century: Motivating All Learners takes a student-centered approach to teaching reading, emphasizing motivation over efficiency in order to develop students who want to read, and therefore can read. Based on the most current research, this text covers the five major components of reading while constantly reinforcing the idea that motivation leads to students who read widely and deeply, allowing the students fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension to grow. The 6th Edition has been extensively revised, with a new chapter (6) on selecting texts, significant updates to the topic of assessment, and an increased emphasis on digital texts and other online resources.

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Current price €86.69
Original price €101.99
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A01=Bonnie GravesA01=Connie JuelA01=Michael GravesA01=Peter DewitzAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Bonnie GravesAuthor_Connie JuelAuthor_Michael GravesAuthor_Peter Dewitzautomatic-updateCategory1=KidsCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JNLBCategory=JNRVCategory=YQCCOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=In stockPrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 100g
  • Dimensions: 100 x 100mm
  • Publication Date: 02 Jan 2019
  • Publisher: Pearson Education (US)
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780135196755

About Bonnie GravesConnie JuelMichael GravesPeter Dewitz

About our authors Peter Dewitz is an educational consultant and researcher who spends most of his time working with teachers and children in public schools. Peter has taught at the University of Toledo the University of Virginia and Mary Baldwin University and has worked as a visiting researcher at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He taught in the upper elementary grades and his major research interests are educational materials (specifically the efficacy of reading programs) the development and instruction of reading comprehension and the uses and abuses of assessments in our schools. Michael F. Graves is a professor emeritus of literacy education at the University of Minnesota and a member of the Reading Hall of Fame. Mike taught in the upper grades and his research and writing focus on vocabulary learning and instruction and comprehension instruction. His current major research effort is an IES-funded research and development project on teaching word-learning strategies. Bonnie B. Graves is a full-time education writer and the author of 15 books for children. Bonnie taught in third and fourth grades and her major interest is making literature enticing and accessible to beginning and middle-grade learners. In addition to writing Bonnie currently spends time working with children teachers and other educators on children's writing. Connie Juel is a professor of education at Stanford University. Her research centers on literacy acquisition especially as it is affected by school instruction. She is noted for both her longitudinal research on reading development (often following children across multiple school years) and her work on interventions to help struggling readers. She was awarded the National Reading Conference's 2002 Oscar Causey Award for outstanding contributions to reading research and was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame by the International Reading Association in 2001. Keep up with the Teaching Reading in the 21st Century author team! Visit them at www.teachingreading21stcentury.com to read their blog posts discover helpful teaching suggestions or to contact them directly.

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