Technology for Success and Illustrated Series® Collection, Microsoft® 365® & Office® | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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A01=Carol Cram
A01=David Beskeen
A01=Jennifer Campbell
A01=Lynn Wermers
A01=Rob Wilson
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Author_Carol Cram
Author_David Beskeen
Author_Jennifer Campbell
Author_Lynn Wermers
Author_Rob Wilson
COP=United States
PA=Not yet available
Price_€50 to €100

Technology for Success and Illustrated Series® Collection, Microsoft® 365® & Office®

Including the latest Microsoft 365 features and enhanced support for Mac users, Beskeen/Campbell/Cram/Wermers/Wilson's TECHNOLOGY FOR SUCCESS AND ILLUSTRATED SERIES® COLLECTION, MICROSOFT® 365® & OFFICE®, 1st Edition, helps you master the nuances of Microsoft® Office. A concise, student-friendly two-page layout allows you to work through an entire task without turning the page. Modules begin with an overview of principles in the lesson while large, full-color images illustrate what you see on your computer. Module Learning Objectives are mapped to Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification objectives, and module scenarios are based on Burning Glass market insights data, helping you sharpen the critical skills you need for real-world success. In addition, MindTap and SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) online resources help maximize your study time and results. See more
Current price €80.74
Original price €84.99
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A01=Carol CramA01=David BeskeenA01=Jennifer CampbellA01=Lynn WermersA01=Rob WilsonAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Carol CramAuthor_David BeskeenAuthor_Jennifer CampbellAuthor_Lynn WermersAuthor_Rob Wilsonautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=UFBCCOP=United StatesDelivery_Pre-orderLanguage_EnglishPA=Not yet availablePrice_€50 to €100PS=Forthcomingsoftlaunch

Will deliver when available. Publication date 31 Jan 2025

Product Details
  • Publication Date: 01 Jan 2025
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning Inc
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780357882870

About Carol CramDavid BeskeenJennifer CampbellLynn WermersRob Wilson

Carol M. Cram is the author of more than 35 textbooks on computer applications business communications and Internet-related subjects. Ms. Cram was also a long-time faculty member at Capilano College in North Vancouver where she served as the Convenor of the Executive Support Program and the Program Consultant for Business and Computers in Continuing Education as well as instructor of business and computer-related courses. Lynn Wermers is a professor in the computer science department at North Shore Community College in Massachusetts where she teaches IT data management data analysis and web development courses. She also teaches part time in the math department for the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University. Wermers has authored numerous leading books focusing on Excel for Cengage. David W. Beskeen has authored or co-authored over 65 successful computer books since 1992 including more than 40 educational titles for Course Technology and Cengage. He has guided readers in mastering PowerPoint® Word Excel Internet Explorer Outlook Windows® LiveMotion and other leading proprietary software packages. An expert in applied technology Beskeen has extensive teaching and consulting experience in today's computer technology. Jennifer T. Campbell has written and co-authored several other leading technology texts including TECHNOLOGY FOR SUCCESS; DISCOVERING COMPUTERS: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY DATA AND DEVICES; DISCOVERING THE INTERNET; WEB DESIGN: INTRODUCTORY; MICROSOFT EXPRESSION WEB INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES; COMPUTER LITERACY BASICS: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 COMPANION; and MICROSOFT OFFICE QUICK REFERENCE POCKET GUIDE. For over 25 years she has served integral roles in computer educational publishing as an editor author and marketing manager. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from The College of William and Mary.

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