Trends in Magnetism
The purpose of this special collection of peer-reviewed papers was to provide an opportunity for scientists from all over the world to share details of recent advances in the physics of magnetic materials.
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The work is divided into: I. To the Memory of S.V.Vonsovsky, II. Spin-Polarized Transport, III. Spin Dynamics, Spin Waves, Spin-Wave Resonance, IV. Spin Reorientation Phase Transitions, V. Spin-Orbit and Exchange Interactions, Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetostriction, VI. Dynamics of Domain Structures and Domain Walls, VII. Magnetic Nanostructures and Films, VIII. Magnetism and Nanomaterials, IX. Low-Dimensional Magnetism, X. Magnetism of Strongly Correlated Systems, XI. Magnetotransport and Magneto-Optics.