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A01=J. Ron Nelson
A01=Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
A01=Robert L. Morgan
A01=Ronald C. Martella
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_J. Ron Nelson
Author_Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
Author_Robert L. Morgan
Author_Ronald C. Martella
COP=United States
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
Price_€50 to €100

Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research

This user-friendly text takes a learn-by-doing approach to exploring research design issues in education and psychology, offering evenhanded coverage of quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and single-case designs. Readers learn the basics of different methods and steps for critically examining any study's design, data, and conclusions, using sample peer-reviewed journal articles as practice opportunities. The text is unique in featuring full chapters on survey methods, evaluation, reliability and validity, action research, and research syntheses.

Pedagogical Features
*An exemplar journal article at the end of each methods chapter, together with questions and activities for critiquing it (including, where applicable, checklist forms to identify threats to internal and external validity), plus lists of additional research examples.
*Research example boxes showing how studies are designed to address particular research questions.
*In every chapter: numbered chapter objectives, bulleted summaries, subheadings written as questions, a running glossary, and end-of-chapter discussion questions.
* Electronic Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, provided separately--includes chapter outlines; answers to exercises, discussion questions, and illustrative example questions; and PowerPoints.

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Current price €83.69
Original price €92.99
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A01=J. Ron NelsonA01=Nancy E. Marchand-MartellaA01=Robert L. MorganA01=Ronald C. MartellaAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_J. Ron NelsonAuthor_Nancy E. Marchand-MartellaAuthor_Robert L. MorganAuthor_Ronald C. Martellaautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=GPSCategory=JNACOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 1160g
  • Dimensions: 178 x 254mm
  • Publication Date: 14 Jun 2013
  • Publisher: Guilford Publications
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781462509621

About J. Ron NelsonNancy E. Marchand-MartellaRobert L. MorganRonald C. Martella

Ronald C. Martella PhD is Professor of Special Education at Eastern Washington University. He has over 26 years of experience working with at-risk populations and provides technical assistance to numerous states and districts on positive behavior support/behavior management for students with or without disabilities. Dr. Martella has over 150 professional publications including several literacy programs and interventions. J. Ron Nelson PhD is Professor at the University of NebraskaLincoln. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of special education as a teacher technical assistance provider and professor. A recipient of the Distinguished Initial Career Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children Dr. Nelson has more than 150 publications that focus on serving children at risk of school failure and on research issues. He has developed a number of behavior and literacy interventions. Robert L. Morgan PhD is Professor in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Utah State University and serves as the Head of the Severe Disabilities Teacher Preparation Program and Chair of the Undergraduate Committee. He worked in schools adult residential facilities and supported employment programs for 11 years. Dr. Morgan's research interests and more than 100 publications address issues including transition from school to adult roles and applied behavior analysis. Nancy E. Marchand-Martella PhD is Professor of Special Education at Eastern Washington University. She has over 26 years of experience working with at-risk populations including serving as a consultant for the Washington Improvement and Implementation Network and the Washington State Striving Readers Grant and as a Reading First panel member. Dr. Marchand-Martella has over 160 professional publications including several literacy programs and interventions.

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