Author: Alex Coder
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Save 5% JavaScript pour débutants: Cours, exemples pratiques et projets pour s''entrainer
Alex CoderCurrent price €28.49Original price €29.99Current price €28.49Original price €29.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Beginner''s Path in C#: Learning C# with Real-World Examples and Applications
Alex CoderCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Virtual Reality with Python: Building VR Applications with PyOpenGL, Pygame, and VTK
Alex CoderCurrent price €18.99Original price €19.99Current price €18.99Original price €19.99Save 5% -
Save 5% From Zero to Programmer: Kickstart Your Journey into Data Science and Web Development
Alex CoderCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Artificial Intelligence with Python: Building Intelligent Systems with scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras
Alex CoderCurrent price €17.09Original price €17.99Current price €17.09Original price €17.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Web Scraping with Python: Extracting Data with Node.js, Cheerio, and Puppeteer
Alex CoderCurrent price €17.09Original price €17.99Current price €17.09Original price €17.99Save 5% -
Save 5% IoT Development with Python: Building Connected Devices with Raspberry Pi, ESP32, and Python
Alex CoderCurrent price €17.09Original price €17.99Current price €17.09Original price €17.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Game On! with Python: Creating Games with Pygame, Arcade, and Panda3D
Alex CoderCurrent price €15.19Original price €15.99Current price €15.19Original price €15.99Save 5%
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