Author: Karen Whitehead
Showing 1 to 4 of 4
Emotional Regulation for Kids with ADHD: Proven Strategies and Tools for Parents and Educators to Foster Emotional Resilience, Self-Control, and a Calmer Learning Environment for Children with ADHD
Karen WhiteheadCurrent price €12.87Original price €13.99Current price €12.87Original price €13.99Save 8% -
Regulao emocional para crianas com TDAH: Recursos eficazes para pais e educadores promoverem resilincia emocional e autocontrole em crianas com TDAH.
Karen WhiteheadCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15% -
Régulation émotionnelle pour les enfants atteints de TDAH: Stratégies éprouvées permettant aux parents et aux éducateurs de favoriser l''équilibre émotionnel pour les enfants atteints de TD...
Karen WhiteheadCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99Current price €14.44Original price €16.99Save 15% -
Emotionale Regulierung fr Kinder mit ADHS: Bewhrte Strategien und Tools fr Eltern und Pdagogen zur Frderung der emotionalen Belastbarkeit und Selbstkontrolle bei Kindern mit ADHS
Karen WhiteheadCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15%
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