Author: M Cherif Bassiouni
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Save 10% Chronicles of the Egyptian Revolution and its Aftermath: 20112016
M. Cherif BassiouniCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99This book is about the Egyptian people's 2011 Revolution for freedom, justice, and human dignity, and its aftermath. The Revolution succeeded in to...
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M Cherif BassiouniCurrent price €14.35Original price €17.50M Cherif Bassiouni was a towering figure in international law. He was personally connected to some of the most historically relevant moments of the...
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The Institutionalization of Torture by the Bush Administration: Is Anyone Responsible?
M. Cherif BassiouniCurrent price €50.87Original price €52.99Current price €50.87Original price €52.99Save 4% -
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A Man of Many Flags: Memoirs of a War Crimes Investigator
M Cherif BassiouniCurrent price €33.99Original price €39.99M Cherif Bassiouni was a towering figure in international law. He was personally connected to some of the most historically relevant moments of the...
View full detailsCurrent price €33.99Original price €39.99Save 15%
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