Wait, What? | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Heather Corinna
A01=Isabella Rotman
A02=Luke Howard
A07=Isabella Rotman
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Heather Corinna
Author_Isabella Rotman
Author_Luke Howard
body image
changing bodies
COP=United States
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
educational comics
facts of life
gender identity
growing up
healthy bodies
healthy relationships
heather corinna
isabella rotman
middle grade sex education
own voices
PA=In stock
Price_€10 to €20
sex education
sex education for 8-12 year olds
sex education for tweens
sexual feelings
sexual health
sexual identity
 self help

Wait, What?

From Heather Corinna,founder and director of Scarleteen.com, and Isabella Rotman, cartoonistand sex educator, comes a graphic novel guide that covers essential topics forpreteens and young teens about their changing bodies andfeelings.
Join friends Malia, Rico,Max, Sam and Alexis as they talk about all the weird and exciting parts ofgrowing up! This supportive group of friends are guides for some trickysubjects. Using comics, activities and examples, they give encouragement andcontext for new and confusing feelings and experiences.

Inclusive of differentkinds of genders, sexualities, and other identities, they talk about importanttopics like:

- Bodies, includingpuberty, body parts and body image
- Sexual and genderidentity
- Gender roles andstereotypes
- Crushes, relationships,and sexual feelings
- Boundaries andconsent
- The media and culturalmessages, specifically around bodies and sex
- How to be sensitive,kind, accepting, and mature
- Where to look for moreinformation, support and help

A fun and easy-to-readguide from expert sex educators that gives readers a good basis and anage-appropriate start with sex, bodies and relationships education! The perfectcomplement to any school curriculum.

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A01=Heather CorinnaA01=Isabella RotmanA02=Luke HowardA07=Isabella RotmanAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Heather CorinnaAuthor_Isabella RotmanAuthor_Luke Howardautomatic-updatebody imageCategory1=KidsCategory=XQACategory=YFWCategory=YNUCCategory=YXCategory=YXACategory=YXAXchanging bodiesconsentCOP=United StatesdatingDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysdiversityeducational comicseq_childrenseq_fictioneq_graphic-novels-mangaeq_isMigrated=2eq_personal-social-topicseq_teenage-young-adultfacts of lifegender identitygrowing uphealthy bodieshealthy relationshipsheather corinnaisabella rotmanLanguage_EnglishLQBTQmaturingmiddle grade sex educationown voicesPA=In stockPrice_€10 to €20PS=Activepubertyqueerscarleteenscarleteen.comsex educationsex education for 8-12 year oldssex education for tweenssexual feelingssexual healthsexual identitysoftlaunchUS self help
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 166g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 229mm
  • Publication Date: 03 Sep 2019
  • Publisher: Oni Press,US
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781620106594

About Heather CorinnaIsabella RotmanLuke Howard

For nearly 20 years, Heather Corinna has been widely recognized as a pioneer and leader in the field of sexuality information, education and support for young people. Previously a Montessori and unschooling early childhood educator, Heather founded and directs the international organization Scarleteen (http://www.scarleteen.com), one of the first sources of comprehensive sexuality and relationships education online, an organization and resource that stands alone in its tenure, approach, reach, inclusivity and scope. Heather has also been a sexuality, contraception and abortion educator and counselor for the Cedar River Clinics/Feminist Women's Health Center. They are the author of the popular S.E.X.:the All-You-Need-to-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties, a highly comprehensive and inclusive young adult sexuality, sexual health and relationships guide, now in its second edition. Their work has also appeared in publications such as Teen Vogue, The Guardian, RH Reality Check (now Rewire) Issues Magazine, Women's Studies; an interdisciplinary journal; in anthologies such as Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape, The Adventures of Food, and Zaftig: Well-Rounded Erotica . Heather was a contributing writer and editor to the most recent edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves. Heather has won numerous awards for their work, including The Champions of Sexual Literacy Award for Grassroots Activism; The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Western Region's Public Service Award; the Our Bodies, Ourselves' Women's Health Heroes Award; the Joan Helmich Educator of the Year award; The Woodhull Foundation's Vicki Award; the Steinem-Waters Award and the Golden Brick Award.

Luke is an illustrator, cartoonist and printmaker living in beautiful, sleepy, swampy New Orleans, Louisiana. When he's not coloring graphic novels, he makes sci-fi comics about feelings, and an autobiographical zine called Abandon Ship. He's been screenprinting artwork for over 10 years, and spends way too much time fussing with ornery Risograph copiers and greasy offset presses. He loves self-publishing, and has helped organize the New Orleans Comics & Zine Fest (NOCAZ) since 2016. If he's not working, tinkering or organizing, he's probably playing D&D with his friends.

Isabella is a cartoonist and illustrator from Maine, living and drawing in Chicago. Her art is usually about the ocean, mermaids, crushing loneliness, people in the woods, or sex. Isabella is the author of You're So Sexy When You Aren't Transmitting STIs and Not On My Watch; The Bystanders’ Handbook for the Prevention of Sexual Violence. Isabella is the co-author and illustrator of Wait, What?; A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up. Isabella has been Artist in Residence at Scarleteen since 2013.

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