Non-Fiction Local Publications
Gozo: Is The Grass Greener?
Freya Barrington€16.00Gozo: Is the Grass Greener? is the story of the bestselling author, Freya Barrington, and her husband, Steve, when they moved from the UK to live o...
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A Land in the Storytelling Sea
Sheryl Loeffler€19.75Sensual, painterly, even prayerful, these 50 poems and 50 full color original pictures by Sheryl Loeffler deepen into a land of legend and myth, an...
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Ballun Pinġut 2
Keith Attard€14.75Din it-tieni edizzjoni ta’ Ballun Pinġut fiha 1400 kelma u espressjoni bil-Malti marbuta mal-futbol. L-awtur tal-ktieb ifisser it-termini fihom inf...
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Popular Operas in the Maltese Islands
Tony C. Cutajar€10.99Operas are one of the most popular elements in the Western classical music tradition and in that of the former Soviet bloc. They are an art form wh...
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Opri Popolari fil-Gżejjer Maltin
Tony C. Cutajar€10.99L-opra hija waħda mill-forom l-iktar popolari tal-mużika lirika tal-Punent. F'Opri Popolari fil-Gzejjer Maltin nsibu l-għoxrin opra li kienu u għad...
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Il-Letteratura fit-Traduzzjoni / Literature in Translation
Department of Translation€19.99This is a journey through the literary world of Albert Camus, Alberto Moravia, D.H. Lawrence, Gertrud Fussenegger, Jorge Luis Borges, Miguel de Una...
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The Battle Roar of Silence: Foucault and the Carceral System
Meinrad Calleja€24.00The Battle Roar of Silence - Foucault and the Carceral System by Meinrad Calleja explores the philosophical rationales sustaining morality, law, pu...
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Michael Refalo€25.00The papers making up Fragments cover a variety of aspects of Malta’s late 19th and early 20th century. The subjects chosen can, in some sense, be c...
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Doorways of Malta
Conrad Thake€85.00We all relate to doorways – the possibilities they open up, their romance, their infinite possibilities. The design of the doorway reveals a great ...
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Son of a Reluctant Immigrant
Leon Zawadzki€18.00Putting pen to paper to tell his story, the realisation that he has lived this question through different experiences while growing up, later on in...
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Second Glances at Gozo
Linda Henry€7.99Second Glances of Gozo is a mix of poems inspired by the emotional moments experienced by the author living on the island over the last thirty year...
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Graduate Employability Skills in Malta
Anne Marie Thake€40.00The book is a first of its kind which examines how institutional actors interpret, influence and respond to skills availability in the labour marke...
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Sanctuaries of the Soul
Richard England€65.00Sanctuaries of the Soul is a collection of award winning architect Richard England’s extensive body of works of sacred spaces. Comprising over 50 c...
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Nixtiequ Naraw lil Gesu
Paul Mizzi€31.00“Dawn l-istudji,” jgħid l-awtur fl-introduzzjoni tiegħu, “huma intenzjonati biex jagħtu biss stampa wiesa’ ta’ kull ktieb fil-Patt il-Ġdid. Ma jidħ...
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A Commentary on the Constitution of Malta
Tonio Borg€70.00This is the first analysis of the Constitution of Malta, article by article. The author comments on all the 124 articles, with references to author...
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Apap, Cremona and St Paul
Agenda Bookshop€11.00It is fascinating to see, though incredibly difficult to analyse why, the vast majority of Maltese artists who are considered as the pioneers of Ma...
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Glossarju: Franċiż-Malti, Malti-Franċiż
Agenda Bookshop€23.00Illum…wasal iż-żmien li jkollna strumenti aħjar kif nikkontrollaw it-tifsir preċiż tal-kliem. Dan il-GLOSSARJU huwa għalhekk meħtieġ, mistenni, u i...
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Malta’s Early Warning System during World War II
Tony Abela€20.00This is the fascinating account of a technological breakthrough which gave the Allies a propitious leg-up in achieving victory over the Nazis back ...
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X'Kien Ġara Sew FisSette Giugno
Paul Bartolo€39.50Edizzjoni ġdida, riveduta u aġġornata b’żjieda ta’ kapitlu ġdida filmitt anniversarju tasSette Giugno. Edizzjoni mimlija b’tagħrif ritratti u dokum...
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Enrico Formica€85.00The second of a series of five volumes of this unique series of books aimed at capturing the wealth of historical chapels in a way never seen befor...
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The Maltese Village Festa A Traditional Yearly Ritual
Carmel Cassar€49.50Patrick Fenech has long harboured a secret desire to publish a photographic essay on the Maltese and Gozitan festa, by taking as many photographs o...
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The Fleet of the Knights of Malta Its Organisation during the Eighteenth Century
Joseph F. Grima€45.00The starting point is the beginning of the 18th century, when the Order of St John introduced its second element to the fleet: the so-called vascel...
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The Sword and the Boudoir:...
Thomas Freller€45.00Description The Knights of the Order of St John did not live in a social vacuum. As human beings they had their needs which often clashed with the...
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The National Museum of Natural History - MDINA
John J. Borg€7.00The National Museum of Natural History was officially inaugurated on 22 June 1973. The display areas consisted of a geology and palaeontology halls...
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Gozo and the Grand Tour
Thomas Freller€40.00Some years ago, Thomas Freller published a monograph on Malta and the Grand Tour, where the subject of Gozo and its visitors was treated in a rathe...
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Malta International Airport - Author_Our Gateway to the World
Joseph R. Darmanin€29.99The journey that Malta’s sole civil airport made was, at times quite eventful and it was only thanks to the skills and nous of those handling the p...
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Nostalgias of Malta (Softbound)
Giovanni Bonello€30.00Images by S.L. Cassar from the 1890s to the 1930s
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The Port of Malta
Simon Mercieca€20.00Sheltered behind impressive ramparts, the city of Valletta is surrounded by water on three sides. As if in the process of detaching itself from the...
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Serenades amidst the sirens
Lina Brockdorff€13.00“On the evening of 10 June 1940, a Monday, we were listening to the radio, as usual. I can hear it still, loud and clear; Mussolini’s defiant voice...
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UXB MALTA Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal 1940-44- The most bombed place on earth
S.A.M. Hudson€18.20‘Researched in depth… UXB Malta vividly captures the close relationships which developed between the soldiers and the islanders.’ Soldier Magazine ...
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