Non-Fiction Local Publications
The Arturo Mercieca Court (1924-1940) A Legal Analysis by Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg€28.00The latest work by Professor Tonio Borg consists of a legal analysis of judgments delivered over a sixteen year period (1924-40) during which Sir A...
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Ir-Rebbieħ li Għadu Jirbaħ
Dun Ġużepp Gauci€23.00X’Kitbu u X’Qalu Dwar San Ġorġ Megalomartri L-aktar xbihat komuni ta’ San Ġorġ Megalomartri huma dawk li juruhulna fuq iż-żiemel, fi ġlieda mad-dra...
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I Love Eating Healthy With Mark
Agenda Bookshop€11.00Love the food you eat! Create the healthy body you want with Maltese inspired recipes. A healthy diet need not be a boring one, but it can be an en...
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Victor You Are An Ironman
Mark Galea€25.00What a journey! It all started when I met Victor Calvagna in 2009 at a fundraising dinner for Puttinu. At the time, the Foundation he had founded w...
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Gioele Galea€15.00“Sekwenza li tixhed maturitàlirika daqskemm spiritwali.” Prof. Bernard Micallef
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Four Cardinal Rights of a suspect prior to an investigation
Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera€29.99This is the ideal book for the legal practitioner, the academic or the journalist. With a wealth of new material dealing with the rights of the acc...
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Treasures of Malta No. 84, Summer 2022 Vol XXVIII No. 3
Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti€13.50Contains a supplement – This special supplement, published with the 84th issue of Treasures of Malta, aims to be a memorial to a vision and to thos...
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The Front Page on the Front Line
Martin G. Debattista€45.00‘The Front Page on the Front Line’ is an analysis of the active role of the Maltese newspapers in the Second World War, an angle that has been over...
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The Blue Sisters Saga, A legal and factual analysis by Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg€25.00This new title by Tonio Borg deals with a saga which occurred more than forty years ago. The foreign Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, popular...
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Oliver u Jien
Paul P. Borg€23.00Paul, meta jirrakkonta, jirrakkonta bħala poeta,b’mod sentimentali, b’mod li juri li Malta qiegħdatagħmel verament żball fatali. Jimporta ngħid hek...
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Anne Frank: Id-Djarju ta' Tfalja
Anne Frank€18.95Dan Id-Djarju ta’ Tfajla jew kif inhu iżjed magħruf, Id-Djarju ta’ Anne Frank, hu maqlub għall-Malti mill-verżjoni ingliża ta’Susan Massotty minn M...
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Treasures Of Gozo
Daniel Cilia€20.00Gozo – A Historical Treasure Trove Although small in area, Gozo and Comino offer a wealth of prehistoric and historic treasures that are easy to lo...
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The Darmanin Artists
Jessica Muscat€85.00Decorative Marble Production for the British Empire The Darmanin family of artists were the most prolific marble-producing firm in nineteenth-centu...
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Dak li ż-Żmien Isajjar
Matthew Sultana€13.00"... u quddiem dawn iż-żewġ għedewwa tal-ispiritwalità, l-arma li juża Matthew hija l-ironija u hija sabiħa ħafna din. Sempliċiment jidħak bil-faqa...
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Għaġin No. 6 Mis-sensiela Fil-kcina m'Anton
Anton B. Dougall€5.95Naħseb li l-għaġin huwa fost l-iżjed, jekk mhux l-iżjed ikel popolari mal-Maltin. Dan jista’ jkun minħabba li barra milli hemm ħafna tipi ta’ għaġi...
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Fr Paul Chetcuti€17.00Ktieb habib ghaż- żgħażagħ li qed ifittxu sens fil-ħajja. Ġabra ta stejjer, esperjenzi, ħsibijiet, miġbura minn ħarġiet imgħoddija ta fuljett ghaż-...
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PASSJONI Silent witnesses in Gethsemane
Michael Galea€40.00Il-Ġnien taż-Żebbuġ, jew il-Ġetsemani, jinsab f’riġlejn l-Għolja taż-Żebbuġ biswit il-belt ta’ Ġerusalemm. Dan il-ġnien fejn Ġesù qatta’ parti sew ...
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Understanding Caravaggio and his Art in Malta
Sandro Debono€7.00Understanding Caravaggio and his Art in Malta is a guidebook about the artists stay in Malta in early 17th century. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravagg...
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Mediċina Popolari – Ta’ l-Imgħoddi fil-Gżejjer Maltin
Agenda Bookshop€12.00Dan il-ktieb, ta’ Guido Lanfranco, juri kif kienu jaħsbuha missirijietna dwar l-uġiegħ u kif tieħu ħsiebu.
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Diaspora: Maltese Overseas Settlement
Midsea Books€55.00In this volume Henry Frendo explores the migratory experience with special reference to the Maltese diaspora. On a per capita basis, from a small i...
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Justice for Daphne is Justice for your Right to Know
midseabooks€20.00In the aftermath of the assassination of the investigative journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, a number of artists manifested their disdain through...
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Speaking Medical Maltese 1 Maltese for foreigners - Maltese for Specific Purposes - Level B1
Charles Daniel Saliba€9.75Speaking Medical Maltese contains 24 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn medical Maltese, improve your reading and l...
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Raddiena Kliem 1 - Bit-Tweġibiet
Agenda Bookshop€2.95Ħaddem moħħok u għaqqad kemm tista’ kliem billi tuża dejjem l-ittra tan-nofs.
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William Zammit€39.95This book is not for the squeamish. Nor does it claim to be a complete historical record of crime and punishment taking place in seventeenth and ei...
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COLONEL MARK SAID€100.00Broken Wings encompasses more than thirty years of research, and charts Malta’ s first aviation century from a different perspective. This book is ...
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Ladies of Lascaris
PAUL MACDONALD€15.99Christina Ratcliffe and the forgotten heroes of Malta's war The world premiere of the musical stage play Star of Strait Street took place in Vallet...
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Ejjew Nidħku Ftit Ieħor ma’ Charles Clews
Toni Sant€15.00Charles Clews twieled l-Isla fis-27 ta’ Settembru 1919. Wara edukazzjoni primarja huwa studja l-Liċeo mnejn daħal it-Tarzna Navali bħala apprentist...
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L-Imtiehen tat-Thin tal-Qamh fil-Gzejjer Maltin
Agenda Bookshop€13.99Ftit wara l-wasla tal-Kavallieri tal-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann f’pajjiżna, diversi Gran Mastri ħolqu Fondazzjonijiet għalihom. Dawn l-imtieħen baqgħu jin...
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Mill-Petali ta’ Hajtek - Kitbiet f'gieh Oliver Friggieri
Agenda Bookshop€48.00Ebda Festschrift ma jirnexxilu jagħti mqar ħjiel ta’ dak kollu li hu Oliver Friggieri; ebda unur u medalja, għax il-kontribut ta’ Oliver huwa akbar...
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L-Esperjenza tat-Tagħlim - • Tħejjija • Twettiq • Tgħarbi
Terence Portelli€23.00Dan il-ktieb jagħti ħarsa strutturata lejn l-istadji ewlenin taċ-ċiklu tat-tagħlim: it-tħejjija, it-twettiq, u t-tgħarbil ta’ din l-esperjenza. Ku...
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Paul Boffa - Malta's First Labour Prime Minister
Desmond Zammit Marmara€10.00MALTA’S REAWAKENING AFTER THE HORRORS AND HEROISMS OF WORLD WAR II … The new Labour Government of the late 40’s, led by Prime Minister Paul Boffa,...
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The Way We Ate
Matty Cremona€48.00A unique book that presents the history of food in Malta with recipes that can be enjoyed today
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Ġustizzja bi Tbissima
Tonio Borg€25.00Ġustizzja bi Tbissima, Stejjer Umoristiċi hu ġabra ta’ anedotti u avventuri li ġraw filQorti u fluffiċċji talavukati. Filversu sens talkelma lavuka...
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The Addolorata Cemetery
Conrad Thake€95.00The Addolorata Cemetery is the magnum opus of the architect Emmanuele Luigi Galizia. It is an outstanding manifestation of Gothic Revivalism and Ro...
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Monumenti u Busti fil-Gżejjer Maltin
Anton Camilleri€50.00Niżżel il-werrej: Monumenti u Busti fil-gżejjer Maltin – Werrej “Il-monumenti u busti huma kollha illustrati u fuq kull wieħed minnhom hemm it-tag...
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Malta During World War II The strategic role of the island during the conflict.
Charles Debono€12.95This series of articles was published in the Sunday Times of Malta between 2010 and 2015 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Malta’s involvement...
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The Sette Giugno in Maltese History 1919 2019
Henry Frendo€35.00This is a modest commemoration of the Sette Giugno 1919 a century after it happened. The book is edited by Prof Henry Frendo and includes essays by...
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IlMaltin Ghemilhom, Drawwiethom, Grajjiethom Vol 2 HB
Steve Borg€30.00Rakkonti ta’ Maltin u Għawdxin li għexu flewwel għoxrin sena tasseklu għoxrin.
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Murder in Malta A chronicle of Homicide Cases Vol 1: 1800-1966
Edward Attard€16.00According to statistics, during the last decades Malta matched Britain regarding homicides per capita. The vast mojority of homicides were committe...
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Il-jiem tiegħi ma’ Benedittu...
Alfred Xuereb€40.00Dan hu djarju partikulari, intens fl-emozzjonijiet, li fih il-‘ħwejjeġ iż-żgħar’ ta’ kuljum huma iżjed sinifikattivi minn dawk “kbar”. Kontribut li...
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Higher and Further Education in Malta
Kite Publishing€30.00Challenges, Perspectives, Solutions “Further and Higher Education in Malta is divided into two main sections that explore the current state and fut...
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