Non-Fiction Local Publications
Maltese Grammar Essentials in context 3 Maltese for Foreigners - Level B1
Charles Daniel Saliba€14.50Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3 is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format ...
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Speaking Maltese 3 Maltese for Foreigners – Level B1
Charles Daniel Saliba€25.99Speaking Maltese 3 contains 14 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skill...
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The Natural History of the Maltese Islands as seen through a photographer's lens
Guido Bonett€35.00With hundreds of species described and over 500 images of local flora and fauna, Guido Bonett presents a simple introduction to newcomers in nature...
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Aroma Kitchen by Manuel Book 2
Manuel€24.99It has taken me nine months to finish the second edition of AROMA Kitchen by Manuel, and preparing this publication was another amazing experience....
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Għall-Glorja tal-Patrija! - Kapriċċi Patrijottiċi
Aleks Farrugia€15.00Għax fin-nisġa tal-Istorja dejjem hemm nitfa ħrafa u fit-tifsila ta’ kull ħrafa biċa Storja… Min kien l-ewwel Malti? U l-frodist Pupull? X’kien id...
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Passjoni - Merging Art and Faith
Chev. Mario Coleiro O.S.J.€35.00Kull bniedem għandu l-forom ta’ twemmin tiegħu u kull bniedem għandu dritt jemmen f’dak li jħoss. Bla dubju ta’ xejn ir-reliġjonijiet huma fost l-a...
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Il-Maltin – L-Ewwel Volum
Steve Borg€30.00Rakkonti ta’ Maltin u Għawdxin li għexu flgħoxrin sena tasseklu għoxrin.
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Colonial Encounters - Maltese Experiences of British Rule 1800-1970s
John Chircop€20.00This volume brings together international and Maltese scholars, offering a line-up of innovative contributions to some of the most current – and de...
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Celebrating 360°
Agenda Bookshop€150.00Published at the right time of the year to be considered an important Christmas present, this book commemorates the series of superb photographic b...
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The Maltese
Aldo Azzopardi€13.99‘The Maltese’ is a brief work by Aldo Azzopardi about Maltese history seen from the eyes of Xmun, a local inhabitant through the ages. Azzopardi i...
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Qiegħda fil-Ponta ta’ Lsieni
Ġużi Gatt€15.00Fl-1849 u l-1850, għal sentejn fuq xulxin, is-Società Economico Agraria ta’ Malta ħarġet ‘Kalendarju għall-Bidwi’ li kien miktub paġna bit-Taljan u...
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And in Malta is My Home (Hardback)
Ray 'Zazu' Farrugia€27.00I am a “people’s” person and I have always been interested in stories behind their lives. There are no more interesting or less interesting stories...
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Studies in Maltese Regulation Financial Services Law
Dr David Fabri€38.00Marcel Cassar, CEO, APS Bank and Chairman, Malta Bankers’ Association, describes the book as, “David Fabri’s preoccupation in bringing this opus to...
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The Book of Death
Ricky Caruana€10.00The 20th of September 2014, was just like any other day. At the time I was living on my own in a small old house in Żurrieq. I had spent the evenin...
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Churchill, Malta, and Gibraltar
Victor Aquilina€40.00In one of the most decisive moments of World War II, two specks of British possessions in the Mediterranean, Malta and Gibraltar, were catapulted t...
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Xarpiklù Irreċta, pinġi, idħaq!
BDL Edu Games€20.00Dawwar ir-rutella u iġbor kard. Irreċta jew pinġi sakemm sħabek jaqtgħu l-frażi. Ħaffef għax 30 sekonda malajr jgħaddu! Bit-tpinġija jew bil-mimaga...
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The Victoria Lines, Malta
Ray Cachia Zammit€7.00The Victoria Lines are a series of fortifications built by the British military between 1875 and 1899. Their defining feature is a continuous inf...
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Godfrey Pirotta Il-Politika ta’ Ħajti
Mario Thomas Vassallo€26.00Lil Godfrey Pirotta jafuh ħafna nies. Professur tax-xjenza politika. Għalliem u ħassieb. Riċerkatur, storiku u kittieb. Ambaxxatur u attivist soċja...
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The Strings Of Fate
Ricky Caruana€10.00This book is aimed to explain better the difference between the brain & the mind. Between free will & destiny. Between matter & spirit....
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Jinżlulek Għasel 2 – Ġabra ta’ Anedotti minn Maltin Magħrufa
Charles Flores€12.95Għaddew seba’ snin minn meta ħareġ Jinżlulek Għasel, ġabra ta’ aneddoti minn protagonisti f’oqsma differenti tas-soċjetà Maltija, li nafu kemm niżl...
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Mabel Strickland, Bejn Storja u Miti
Michael Galea€30.00Fl-1989, fost l-oħrajn, il-Perit Duminku Mintoff f’intervent fil-Kamra tad-Deputati rrefera għal Mabel Strickland. Sostna li hi “ġġieldet għall-Imp...
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Fil-Kcina ma’ Pippa Traduzzjoni ta' 25 Years in a Maltese Kitchen
Pippa Mattei€15.00Riċetti Maltin li faċli ssegwihom miġbura minn Pippa Mattei Jekk il-ħsieb t’ tisjir tal-Mediterran ifakkarkom fi platti bnini u appetitużi li tist...
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Spectacular Malta 360°
Enrico Formica€130.00Spectacular Malta 360º commemorates and celebrates 25 years of publishing that began in 1989 with the publication of Malta 360º, an iconic book tha...
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