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A01=Sandy Hinzelin
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Author_Sandy Hinzelin
B06=Astrid Montuclard
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All beings are Buddhas


By (author): Sandy Hinzelin

Translated by: Astrid Montuclard

Each of us has the possibility to become awakened, to perceive reality as it is, and to liberate ourselves from what enchains us and leads us to dissatisfaction. No one is excluded, the only condition is to remove the different veils that cover what is already there.This situation can be compared to a person sitting on a treasure, except that the latter is buried underground. It is only by digging that we will take advantage of it, any search at the surface of the ground will not lead anywhere. Consciousness is also a treasure, but it remains inaccessible as long as perception lacks depth.Which path is to be walked to see what we truly are? How is awakened consciousness, Buddhahood, characterized?In the Treatise on Pointing Out Buddha Nature, the 3rd Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339), Tibetan master from the Kagyü lineage concisely presents Buddha nature, and he gives some elements to see it directly. Based on this treatise and a commentary from Jamgö n Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé (18131899), a phenomenological approach is offered to touch on these questions. See more
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A01=Sandy HinzelinAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Sandy Hinzelinautomatic-updateB06=Astrid MontuclardCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HREXCOP=FranceDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€20 to €50PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 149 x 225mm
  • Publication Date: 10 May 2023
  • Publisher: Rabsel Editions
  • Publication City/Country: France
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9782360170470

About Sandy Hinzelin

Sandy Hinzelin has a PhD in philosophy she has taught Eastern and Western philosophy for several years in the philosophy department of the Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand. She has also made numerous trips to India Nepal and the United States for her research and practice.She is currently a research associate at PHIER (University of Clermont Auvergne). Her thesis Tous les ê tres sont des Bouddhas was published by Sully Editions (2018). She has also published Les 12 lois du karma with Anaka (Jouvence 2021) and translated into french Joy of being and Time Space and Knowledge : a new vision of reality by the Tibetan master Tarthang Tulku.

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