Instant Insights: Biodiversity Management Practices | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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A01=Dr Ademir Calegari
A01=Dr Alessandra Santos
A01=Dr Alicia Cirujeda
A01=Dr Gabriel Pardo
A01=Dr Lilianne Maia
A01=Dr Marcus Cremonesi
A01=Dr Marie L. C. Bartz
A01=Dr Wilian Demetrio
A01=Mr Scott Day
A01=Professor Humberto Blanco
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Dr Ademir Calegari
Author_Dr Alessandra Santos
Author_Dr Alicia Cirujeda
Author_Dr Gabriel Pardo
Author_Dr Lilianne Maia
Author_Dr Marcus Cremonesi
Author_Dr Marie L. C. Bartz
Author_Dr Wilian Demetrio
Author_Mr Scott Day
Author_Professor Humberto Blanco
COP=United Kingdom
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
Price_€20 to €50

Instant Insights: Biodiversity Management Practices

This collection features four peer-reviewed literature reviews on biodiversity management practices in agriculture.

The first chapter reviews biodiversity management practices and benefits in Conservation Agriculture (CA) systems. After looking at the importance of soil microorganisms, the chapter looks at how CA systems contribute to soil biological activity, particularly the way cover crops and rotations, with a no-till regime, can enrich soil and the multitude or organisms living in it.

The second chapter synthesizes and reviews the published information on grass hedges and their soil benefits, to better understand the potential of grass hedges for managing water erosion as well as improving soil health in agricultural lands.

The third chapter reviews research on ways of modifying the agricultural landscape to reverse the decline in a range of fauna and flora. The chapter also reviews the characteristics and types of field margins, as well as their role in agroecosystems. The chapter concludes with a discussion on managing field margins to promote insect biodiversity and rare arable plant populations.

The final chapter considers the impact of agricultural intensification on agricultural landscapes, farming systems and biodiversity. The chapter highlights how hedgerows can contribute to the multifunctionality of agroecosystems in intensively-managed agricultural landscapes, focussing on improved pest regulation and enhanced pollination services. See more
Current price €44.64
Original price €46.99
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A01=Dr Ademir CalegariA01=Dr Alessandra SantosA01=Dr Alicia CirujedaA01=Dr Gabriel PardoA01=Dr Lilianne MaiaA01=Dr Marcus CremonesiA01=Dr Marie L. C. BartzA01=Dr Wilian DemetrioA01=Mr Scott DayA01=Professor Humberto BlancoAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Dr Ademir CalegariAuthor_Dr Alessandra SantosAuthor_Dr Alicia CirujedaAuthor_Dr Gabriel PardoAuthor_Dr Lilianne MaiaAuthor_Dr Marcus CremonesiAuthor_Dr Marie L. C. BartzAuthor_Dr Wilian DemetrioAuthor_Mr Scott DayAuthor_Professor Humberto Blancoautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=RBGBCategory=RGBCCategory=TVDRCategory=TVFCategory=TVGCategory=TVKCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€20 to €50PS=Activesoftlaunch
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 180g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 229mm
  • Publication Date: 19 Apr 2022
  • Publisher: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781801464024

About Dr Ademir CalegariDr Alessandra SantosDr Alicia CirujedaDr Gabriel PardoDr Lilianne MaiaDr Marcus CremonesiDr Marie L. C. BartzDr Wilian DemetrioMr Scott DayProfessor Humberto Blanco

Scott worked for Manitoba Agriculture as an agricultural extension specialist for over 23 years before creating Fall-Line-Capital Inc - a company which invests in farmland and the latest agricultural technologies. Scott continues to enjoy international speaking opportunities and contributing to Agronomy books and publications most recently with the FAO/United Nations the University of Adelaide No-Till Farmer Magazine and The Western Producer.

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